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Ivey’s Construction has 50 years of construction experience in Brevard County. Ivey’s Construction is a Florida State Certified General Contractor offering a full range of services including General Contracting, Construction Management, Design Build, and AISC Advanced Certified Steel Erection. (CGC-038685) Learn more about what we do.
Party & Educational Rooms at the KSC Visitor Complex
LC-39 Improvements at KSC Visitor Complex
Administrative & Retail Warehouse at the KSC Visitor Complex
Starbucks Relocation at the KSC Visitor Complex
Corrosion Mitigation of Vertical Rocket Display Guy Wires at KSC Visitor Complex
Construction Management
Kennedy Entry Experience at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Gateway at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Delta II Rocket at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Apollo 11 Anniversary Artifact Relocation at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Space Shop at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Saturn 1B Modifications at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Planet Play at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Parking Plaza Entrance at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Orbit Cafe Renovation at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Moon Rock Cafe at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Heroes & Legends at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Forever Remembered at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Equipment Storage Facility at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Shuttle Atlantis Relocation at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Apollo I Memorial at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Apollo Saturn V Center Roof Replacement
Rocket Garden Coatings at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
Kodak Kiosk Building at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
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